
27 . mar . 25': hey, whats up!! i havent been to active on the site in a whiile.. sorry about that esp since i havent really been that busy...
anyway, in "recent" news, its second semester and my new classes are FILM :HEART:, civics (kinda easy but it doenst really stand out as a fave), english (the teachers really nice) and a resourse period that was math! its been pretty alright, i also went on a feild trip to go see the play "the secret to good tea", a play about residential schools in canada and generatial trauma that first nations had to deal with. I really liked it i think you should go see it if you can. anyway nothing else rlly happened in recent memory, im in civics right now, working on a poster for an assignment. It's alright hehe. byebye the period is ending soon :(

14 . jan . 25': hello! ive recoded the site, hopefully its cuter then the old one! (it is) I'm in my design class right now and i have so much work to do... but i can only do it at home sadly. you know whats most annoying? my teacher wants us to work with AI for the cards we're making! (we are making a board game) this assignment is mostly aboout sustainability and AI isnt sustainable because of all the water it uses up. that annoyed me. anyway, in other news!... im also recoding the geoside website!!! and im making a pilot episode!!! please check out geoside at geoside.online! well... when i can spend all my time making it look cool. anyway i gotta get back to work, bye bye!

25 . oct . 24': hello world!! i recoded my website again. i think the last time i attempted to make a personal website was mid grade 9 when i was in photography class and now im one month into grade 10. im not sure what ill use this blog for but im thinking about using it for just anything i wanna write about. right now im in science class, and i just finished the first volume of yokohama kaidashi kikou! i like the idea of robots feeling like humans and im def going to pick up the second volume from my local library. besides that i went to a noodle shop last week and hurt my ankle this week, byebye. oh and PS; geoside is probably dead im sorry :(